Get Help Now
If you need immediate help, phone lines are open 24/7. Please call:
- Suicide: 1-800-784-2433 (1-800-SUICIDE)
- Vancouver distress line: 604-872-3311
- Trans lifeline: 1-877-565-8860
- Senior’s Distress: 604-872-1234 available in up to 140 languages
Or text on chat lines that are open from noon to 1:00 am every day:
- For Youth (up to 25 years of age):
- For Adults:
Explore supports and resources available in the Lower Mainland of British Columbia:
- Access Assessment Centre (AAC) VCH: For non-life threatening mental health and/or substance use issues: 604-675-3700 (Walk-ins welcome from 7:30 am–11:00 pm.)
- Crisis Centre of BC: crisis support, suicide prevention, and postvention
- KUU-US Crisis Line (Indigenous specific) in the Lower Mainland: 1-250-723-4050 | Toll-free: 1-800-588-8717
- Mental Health Support in British Columbia for emotional support and mental health resources: 310-6789 (no area code)
- Qmunity: BC’s queer, trans, and two-spirit resource centre
- Seniors Abuse and Information Line: 604-437-1940 | Toll-free: 1-866-437-1940
- TransCareBC toll-free in BC: 1-866-999-1514 | Outside of BC or unable to call a toll-free number: 604-675-3647 | Email:
- YWCA Metro Vancouver: programs and services for women, families, Two-Spirit and gender diverse folks